Community Affiliations

  • American Associated for Retarded Persons
  • Andrews Boy Scouts
  • Andrews Chamber of Commerce
  • Andrews Parks and Recreation Department
  • Appalachian Crafters
  • Business Professional Women's Club
  • Cherokee County Arts Council
  • Cherokee County Chamber of Commerce
  • Cherokee County Extension Office
  • Cherokee County School Foundation
  • Cherokee County Transportation Committee
  • Cherokee, Clay, Graham and Macon County Schools
  • Civitan Club
  • Clay County Chamber of Commerce
  • Community Service Program
  • Department of Social Services
  • Economic Development Commission Cherokee County Vocational
  • Educational Advisory Council
  • Employment Security Commission of NC
  • Graham Co. Transportation
  • Graham Co. United Way
  • Interagency Council
  • John C. Campbell Folk School
  • Juvenile Services Division
  • Konnahetta Women's Club
  • Lion's Club - Murphy & Andrews
  • Masons
  • Murphy Medical Center
  • NC State Guidance Association
  • Office of Economic Opportunities
  • Protective Children Comm.
  • Rotary Club
  • SWNC Workforce Development Board
  • Tri-County Community College
  • United Way of Cherokee County
  • Western NC Legal Services
  • Western Regional Guidance Assoc.
  • Women's Resource Center

To contact IOI regarding our Community Affiliations use the Contact form at left. An IOI staff member will contact you shortly.


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